Practical tooling for embedding and structure

Once you have set up a clear organisation and identified jobs and talents, it is important to embed all the requirements during rollout. In doing so, we use a number of tools that ensure the quality of the project and embed the outcome for the long term.


STYR Dock is specifically designed for organisations that apply the Styr model for organisation design and grading and rewards based on added value. It is a practical online tool to create your own clarity with regard to expectations and rewarding added value.

The power of STYR Dock

  • An organisation design and development tool that provides insight into what the organisation has in place and what is needed – in terms of jobs, roles and people – to realise the organisation's ambitions and strategy. 
  • A tool to quickly shape and maintain validated profiles and customised career paths.
  • Practical assistance to help you shape and independently maintain a Job matrix (visualisation of the organisational structure with all jobs, roles, career paths and salary structure).
  • Dock for interfacing with Talent Management System (TMA), e-learning and other HR tools and apps.

Talent Management Systeem (TMS)

An organisation that nurtures the problem solving capabilities and talents of its employees has an advantage. After all, it’s a place where people want to work – and keep working. With Styr, the TMA method and corresponding Talent Management System, you can activate problem solving capabilities, talents and competences at the individual, team and organisational level. This is how Styr helps you become the kind of sought-after organisation we are talking about: one in which you are clear about the unique talents of your people. And how to make strategic use of those talents. 

The power of TMS

  • An all-in-one Talent Management System for clear companies that work in a talent-based way (or plan to start).
  • Based on the Styr model and the TMA method.
  • Talent Motivation Analysis outcome that gives employees insight into their individual drives, talents, competency potential and cognitive abilities.
  • The ability to use employee talent data and validated profiles to continuously match people and work, build teams, and design and develop an organisation in an agile way.

From the very beginning, Styr and Van Hessen have been a perfect match. We have been using the Styr model since the start. Our company has now grown to 5000 employees and operates internationally. We will roll out the Styr model across all our divisions."

CHRO Leendert Klink

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Styr continues to fight unrelentingly for clarity and connected employees. 

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